North Carolina County Maps
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Jackson County, North Carolina
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Jackson County, North Carolina Map
An detailed map of Jackson County. Click on a nearby County to view more information about that County.
Map of Townships in Jackson County, North Carolina
An interactive map of county subdivisions in Jackson County. In North Carolina, that can include Townships and UTs. Find what township you are in now.
Map of Counties in North Carolina
An interactive map of Counties in North Carolina. Click on a County to view more information about that County.
About Jackson County, North Carolina

Jackson County is a county located in the western part of the U.S. state of North Carolina. As of the 2020 census, the population was 43,109. Since 1913, its county seat has been Sylva, which replaced Webster. Cullowhee is the site of Western Carolina University (WCU). In the early 21st century, the university has more than 12,000 students, nearly twice the number of permanent residents of Cullowhee. The university has a strong influence in the region and county. More than 10 percent of the county residents identify as Native American, mostly Cherokee. The federally recognized Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians is based at Qualla Boundary, land that consists of territory in both Jackson and neighboring Swain County. This is the only federally recognized tribe in North Carolina, and one among three federally recognized Cherokee tribes nationally. The other two are based in what is now the state of Oklahoma, a former Indian Territory.
What is this?
This site has an interactive map of North Carolina Counties. Click on the map to find your North Carolina county, and view more details. You can also search for your address and use your GPS to find your North Carolina County.
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