What township am I in?

Rock Island, Illinois

Township Map

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What is my township?

Find what township you are in based on your current location, along with your full address and GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude). See information about your current township and a map of townships in your state. A township is defined as a subdivision of your county based on United States Census data. This can include: Cities, Townships, Towns, Incorporated Places, Election Precints, Districts, Territories and other county subdivisions.

Here are a few reasons you might want to know your current town:

  • Confirm your legal township while traveling. This will be important if you ever get in an accident or have to contact the authorities.
  • You try asking Google or Alexa or Siri what your township is, but they do not have a GPS to help you.
  • You need to find your township to correctly apply for permits and other local services.

What township am I in right now?

To find your current township, you need to accept the browser request to access your device location or click "get location" above. If you do not want to share your GPS with this site you can instead search by entering your current address above.

What township am I in by ZIP code?

Your zipcode is a quick way to find your approximate location, and to search for what county you are in. Click "Change" above and enter your ZIP code to see what county a given zip code is in. Note that not all of a ZIP code is necessarily in only one county, so make sure to look at the township map for final reference. You can also drag the map marker to recalculate.

Current County on Map Illustration

What township am I in by address

When you search for your address, this page will tell you what county you are in. When you search for an address, we look up the GPS coordinates for the address (or zipcode, city, etc) to find the township that it is located in.

Township Atlas

Our township atlas has a list of cities in the United States to help you find the township of any location in the country.

About Rock Island, Illinois

Rock Island is a city in and the county seat of Rock Island County, Illinois, United States. The population was 37,108 at the 2020 census. Located at the confluence of the Rock and Mississippi rivers, it is one of the Quad Cities along with neighboring Moline and East Moline in Illinois and the cities of Davenport and Bettendorf in Iowa. The Quad Cities had a population of 384,324 in 2020. The city is home to Rock Island Arsenal, the largest government-owned weapons manufacturing arsenal in the US, which employs 6,000 people. The original Rock Island, from which the city name is derived, is now called Arsenal Island.

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About Township (United States)

A township in some states of the United States is a small geographic area.

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